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Bilateral lateral rectus exploration with re-recession and left medial rectus resection
Watch Erick D. Bothun, M.D., a pediatric ophthalmologist and adult strabismus surgeon at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, perform a bilateral lateral rectus exploration with re-recession and left medial rectus resection.
Pediatric secondary IOL placement in the sulcus space
Watch Erick D. Bothun, M.D., a pediatric ophthalmologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, perform an IOL placement in a pediatric patient with prior cataract surgery.
Yes, babies and children get cataracts, too: Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric cataracts
Erick D. Bothun, M.D., Mayo Clinic pediatric eye surgeon, cares for children of all ages and eye diseases. Dr. Bothun specializes in diagnosing, treating and researching complex cataracts in infants and children.