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Minimally invasive spine surgery advancements at Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic neurosurgeon Maziyar A. Kalani, M.D., discusses minimally invasive spine surgery advancements at Mayo Clinic.
Femur fractures and the patient with multiple injuries
Brandon J. Yuan, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota, explains why the femur is a "magic bone" and how that relates to taking care of orthopedic injuries in a patient with polytrauma.
Hand and wrist disorders - Podcast
Peter C. Amadio, M.D., discusses carpal tunnel, de Quervain's tenosynovitis, and other hand and wrist conditions and gives a few key pearls for helping your patients control symptoms and when to consider surgery.
Saving lives with Gus: Ice fishing safety
Cornelius A. Thiels, D.O., M.B.A., and Martin D. Zielinski, M.D., Mayo Clinic physicians, share research findings on injuries experienced while ice fishing.
Use of exoskeletons in individuals with spinal cord injuries
A three-phase clinical trial explores a lightweight exoskeleton system to evaluate its impact on the lives of people with mobility issues due to spinal cord injuries.