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Grand Rounds: CCaTs: Transitioning from Infrastructure to Catalyst
Sundeep Khosla, M.D., presents CCaTs: Transitioning from Infrastructure to Catalyst
Grand Rounds — Professionalism in Science: What Do Scientists Think?
Jen McCormick, Ph.D., presents Professionalism in Science: What Do Scientists Think?
Grand Rounds: Maximizing Limited Resources: Ancillary Studies to Clinical Trials
Virginia Miller, Ph.D., presents Maximizing Limited Resources: Ancillary Studies to Clinical Trials
Grand Rounds: Integrating Metabolomics Into the Repertoire of Functional Genomics Tools
Andrew Badley, M.D., Richard Bram, M.D., Ph.D., and Thomas Chung, Ph.D., present Integrating Metabolomics Into the Repertoire of Functional Genomics Tools. .
Grand Rounds: Drug Discovery Opportunities Within the Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Andrew D. Badley, M.D., Richard J. Bram, M.D., Ph.D., and Thomas Chung, Ph.D., present drug discovery opportunities within the Center for Clinical and Translational Science.