

CIM Grand Rounds: Rare disease day 2024

Watch a compelling virtual Grand Rounds featuring Julia Vitarello, the inspiring founder of Mila's Miracle Foundation. Hear directly from Julia about the challenges and triumphs in the fight against rare conditions. Alongside Julia, an expert panel, including Erica Barnes, Margot A. Cousin, Ph.D., and Radhika Dhamija, M.B.B.S., delve into the scientific, clinical, logistical and regulatory challenges in the field of individualized medicine.

Center for Individualized (CIM) Medicine Grand Rounds

Julia Vitarello

Founder & CEO of Mila's Miracle Foundation

Erica Barnes, M.A.
Executive Director of the Minnesota Rare Disease Advisory Council

Margot A. Cousin, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics
Molecular Medicine
N-of-1 Therapeutics Director — Center for Individualized Medicine
Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Radhika Dhamija, M.B.B.S.
Associate Professor of Medical Genetics
Consultant in Molecular Genetics
Associate Program Director of Medical Genetics and Genomics Residency
Mayo Clinic in Rochester


February 29, 2024

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Mayo Clinic