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Spina bifida treatment using fetoscope
Edward S. Ahn, M.D., neurosurgeon, and Rodrigo Ruano, M.D. Ph.D., maternal and fetal medicine surgeon, describe a new treatment for spina bifida using a fetoscope.
Eight-year-old survives near-fatal injuries
Crushed in the midtorso by a tractor and trailer, 8-year-old Cole Heiden's life was spared by surgeons in the Mayo Clinic Pediatric Trauma Center.
Fetoscopic laser ablation for placental anastomoses for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
Rodrigo Ruano, M.D., Ph.D., explains twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, a severe situation with a risk of pregnancy loss in approximately 80% of cases if no prenatal treatment is performed, and the benefits of fetoscopic laser ablation ...
Minimally invasive surgery for craniosynostosis requires early diagnosis and intervention
Edward Ahn, M.D., pediatric neurosurgeon, discusses craniosynostosis.
Yes, babies and children get cataracts, too: Diagnosis and treatment of pediatric cataracts
Erick D. Bothun, M.D., Mayo Clinic pediatric eye surgeon, cares for children of all ages and eye diseases. Dr. Bothun specializes in diagnosing, treating and researching complex cataracts in infants and children.
Mucosal healing in kids with celiac disease — Celiac disease in the news
Imad Absah, M.D., discusses a recently published article in the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition about mucosal healing in children with celiac disease.
Grand Rounds: Interventions for Pediatric Weight Management
Bridget K. Biggs, Ph.D., L.P., presents Interventions for Pediatric Weight Management.
Common musculoskeletal tumors of childhood and adolescence
Carola A S. Arndt, M.D., a pediatric hematologist from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, discusses her article appearing in the May 2012 issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Samar H. Ibrahim, M.B., Ch.B., pediatric hepatologist at Mayo Clinic, discusses liver transplantation as a definitive treatment for primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC).